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Competing at the regional and national level unquestionably enhances members' law school experience, provides exceptional networking opportunities, and uniquely affords practical application of academic lessons and skills. Students who wish to hone their written, oral, and negotiating advocacy skills are strongly encouraged to seek membership on our competition teams.

The Advocacy Center programs enjoy recognition for competitive excellence on regional, national, and international levels. Teams from ADR, International Advocacy, Moot Court, and Trial Ad compete in both the fall and spring semesters. In the 2019-20 academic year, Loyola sent 19 teams to 17 competitions and advanced or placed in over half! Click here to read all about our teams' successes!


The Moot Court National Team competed in the Region 7 Moot Court Competition on November 15-16, 2024 at the University of Mississippi in Oxford, Mississippi, advancing to the competition's semifinal round. Team members pictured above are Conor McGowan (competitor), Ashley White (competitor and brief writer), Emily McCrory (competitor), and Bobby Sanders (coach). Also pictured above is Professor Evan Bergeron, Director of the Advocacy Center.