Library Information
Loyola New Orleans College of Law Library
The Loyola University New Orleans College of Law Library is housed in the College of Law building, which is on the Dominican campus. It occupies parts of the first and third floors and all of the second floor of the building, a total of over 50,356 square feet. The Library's full-time staff numbers nine, including four librarians.
Circulation Desk Phone: 504-861-5545
Reference Desk Phone: 504-861-5792
Mailing Address: Loyola Law Library, 7214 St. Charles Ave., Campus Box 903, New Orleans, LA 70118
The mission of the Loyola University College of Law Library is to meet both the curricular and research informational needs of the College’s faculty and students. The Law Library achieves this mission through the development of a carefully selected collection of traditional and electronic resources and a proactive program of efficiently and effectively delivering access to these collections.
Cell Phones
Cellphone use can be annoying to other patrons. Please limit their use to the Circulation area on the first floor, and to the horseshoe shaped area by the Administrative offices on the second floor. Do not use them on the third floor: it is reserved for silent study.
Food & Drink
As of August 1, 2013 food and drink items are allowed in the Loyola New Orleans Law Library. The restriction placed upon this privilege is that a patron may be asked not to consume food or drink items if doing such causes a disturbance to another user of the library. A non-extensive list of examples of this would be food with pungent odors, creating excessive noise with chips, slurping soup, etc.
Interlibrary Loan
If you need a book, article, or other resource that is not available in our library, you can request it via interlibrary loan. This service is available to currently-enrolled students, faculty, and staff.
To use it, please create an account in our ILLiad system. With this account, you will be able to request items, view the status of your requests, and check the due date for items that you have borrowed. In addition, articles requested, once supplied, can be viewed within the ILLiad system as PDF documents that can be printed.
Visit the ILL page for instructions.
Lost and Found
The Loyola Law Library is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Do not leave your personal items unattended while in the law library.
Found items turned in to the law library will be stored in the lost and found at the circulation desk. A log of all found items can be viewed here. The law library will handle the return of items to their owners when possible and dispose of unclaimed items. Unclaimed items of value (i.e. jewelry, phones, wallets) will be turned over to Loyola campus police at the end of the semester. At the end of the academic year, all other unclaimed items (i.e., books, clothing, papers, coffee mugs) will be donated, recycled or discarded at the law library’s discretion.
Study Rooms
The law library has study rooms available on the 2nd and 3rd floors. Study rooms are available on a first come basis for the use of current Loyola students and recent Loyola Law graduates studying to take the bar. Library staff retains the right to reserve study rooms at any time for law library or law school business.
Study Room Guidelines:
All study rooms doors are left unlocked. For the purpose of determining vacancy, study rooms without windows have occupancy signs just to the right of the door. Students are responsible for using the sign to indicate when they are using the room and when they've vacated it.
Study rooms are not soundproof. Students are expected to be considerate of those in nearby areas by keeping noise levels low. Groups that are excessively noisy and disturb other library patrons may be asked to vacate study rooms.
Each room is equipped with the number of chairs that the room will accommodate. Please do not remove chairs from nearby study spaces.
Study rooms are for the purpose of research, study and collaboration. Students using study rooms for other than academic purposes may be asked to vacate the room.
When finished using the room, students are expected to erase the whiteboard, throw away their trash and straighten the chairs.
Students are not to leave library books, laptops or personal items in the study rooms. The law library is not responsible for the security of personal items left in a study room.
Please note: Students using study rooms should be able to provide their Loyola campus ID if asked.
Finals Laptop Loan Policy
During Finals the laptop loan policy changes to 6 hours for all laptops (both 3-hour and 7-day versions). A waitlist is created (form on the library website front page) and students will be contacted, in order, when a laptop becomes available. If a student is contacted and does not respond within 4 hours the library may proceed to offer the available laptop to the next person on the waitlist. Students are not allowed to renew laptops during finals unless they are at the top of the waitlist.
Extended Duration Loan Policy for Laptops and Hotspots
- As a general rule, College of Law laptops and hotspots may be checked out for 7-day periods. Fines will start to accrue if the laptop/hotspot has not been checked in within 7 days.
- Unforeseen circumstances such as illness, natural disasters, public health emergencies, and other events may merit longer-term laptop/hotspot loans.
- If you believe you will need a laptop/hotspot for longer than the 7-day loan period, you may fill out this form to be considered for a longer-term loan period of 21 days.
- After you have submitted the form, please email the Law Library Director and the Director of Student Life to let them know that you have completed the form.
- The Law Library Director and the Director of Student Life will review your request, and the Director of Student Life will let you know whether you are approved for the 21-day loan period. The Law Library Director and the Director of Student Life will communicate their decision to the library staff.
- As soon as a laptop/hotspot becomes available for you to check out, a member of the library staff will contact you to let you know. You may then come to the library to check out your laptop/hotspot.
- Please return your laptop/hotspot within 21 days of checkout to avoid fines.
Talking is permitted on the first floor of the library. On the second floor, please keep voices low, as students are trying to study. The third floor is reserved for silent study. Yelling, profanity, or threatening words are not acceptable in the library.
Renewals / Fines for Late or Lost Materials
Patrons are assessed fines when items are returned after the checkout period has expired. Fines for students are periodically sent to Student Affairs and applied to the students account. Until the fine is sent to Student Affairs the fine may be paid at the Law Library Circulation Desk. Fines for any one item are capped at $200 per semester. If replacement costs are billed associated fines may be waived by the Law Library Director. There is no obligation of the Law Library to remind students of their due dates/times by notice and follow-up notices are merely intended to be assistive to the patron. A patron is able to view what items they have checked out and the due dates by logging in to their accounts in the Law Library Catalog at . Click MyLibrary (left most tab) and then enter your Log In credentials. From this screen patrons may be able to renew materials a limited number of times before being required to return the item to the library.
Government Documents / Public Access Computer
The law library government documents/public access computer is for public patrons only. The public access computer may only be used for government documents and legal research. While there are no defined time limits, users must be considerate of other patrons that may need to use the computer. The viewing of pornography is strictly forbidden on any and all computers in Loyola Law Library and the violation of this rule will result in immediate expulsion from the library.
Copying & Scanning
Copying, or scanning and printing, an entire book, or even a “substantial portion” of a book, is illegal under U.S. copyright law and is a violation of the Loyola College of Law Honor Code. The user of the equipment to create a violation is liable for any copyright infringement.
Unattended Minors in the Library
Children who are not enrolled in approved University classes or activities may not be left alone anywhere in the law library. The safety and security of minors is very important and is the responsibility of the parent or adult caregiver. Library staff cannot assume responsibility for minors when they are left unattended in the library.
A child not yet in high school must be under the direct supervision of a parent or adult caregiver at all times while in the library.
A parent or adult caregiver must monitor all activities and behavior of their children while they are in the library.
A parent or other adult caregiver is responsible for any damage to property done by the child.
If a child is left unattended in the library, staff will notify Loyola University Police.
Library computers are restricted to use by enrolled students, faculty, and staff unless researching government depository materials on the public access terminal.
If there are any questions or requested modifications to this policy please contact the library administration.
The Law Library has the primary purpose of supporting the curriculum and research needs of the College of Law faculty and students. The collection is comprised of federal and state legal research sources, specific subject materials, foreign, international, comparative, and civil law materials, and law-related books. The microform collection includes United States Supreme Court records and briefs, state bar journals, and legal treatises from the nineteenth century.
Due to the civil law tradition of Louisiana, the Law Library collects materials from civil law jurisdictions, such as France, Quebec and Scotland. The library is a designated depository for both United States Government and State of Louisiana Government documents. Public access to the federal government documents collection is guaranteed by Title 44 of the United States Code. The documents have been integrated into the general collection according to jurisdictional, research, and subject matter
The locations listed in the Online Catalog can be found as follows:
The "Stacks" location in the Catalog refers to books shelved by their call numbers. These are located on the 2nd and 3rd floors as indicated below.
The "Thematic Exhibit" location in the Catalog refers to the bookshelf displays on the 1st and 2nd floor.
The "Resources Integrated Curriculum" location in the Catalog refers to a collection on the 2nd floor near the reference desk. These books focus on practice-ready skills and teaching methods.
1st Floor
- Circulation Desk
- Reserve Collection - ask at Circulation Desk
- Audio and Video Collections - ask at Circulation Desk
- CD Reserve - ask at Circulation Desk
- Reading Room Collection
- Rare Book - ask reference librarians
- Archive Collection - ask reference librarians
2nd Floor
- Reference Collection
- 2nd Floor Index Table
- KF
- KFA - KFZ (state materials)
- National & Regional Reporters
- Microform Collection (Microfiche and Microfilm)
- Microform Indexes
- Congressional Record (paper in compact shelving)
- Serial Set (JK) in compact shelving
- A - Z in compact shelving
- Inactive Collection
- Federal Register (paper and microform)
- Oversize Collection
- Rare Books - ask reference librarians
3rd Floor
- Unbound and Bound Journals
- K, KB - KZD
- 3rd Floor Index table
The Loyola Law Library is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Do not leave your personal items unattended while in the law library.
Found items turned in to the law library will be stored in the lost and found at the circulation desk. A log of all found items can be viewed here. The law library will handle the return of items to their owners when possible and dispose of unclaimed items. Unclaimed items of value (i.e. jewelry, phones, wallets) will be turned over to Loyola campus police at the end of the semester. At the end of the academic year, all other unclaimed items (i.e., books, clothing, papers, coffee mugs) will be donated, recycled or discarded at the law library’s discretion.